Whether personal or professional, Hacienda has all the amenities you need. The park is fully equipped with resources for every day business and every day living.
A variety of conveniently located stores and shopping will supply you with goods for the office or home. Restaurants, services, entertainment, lodging, and recreation opportunities found throughout Hacienda can meet virtually every professional or personal requirement.
This gives Hacienda the unique characteristic of being a fully self-contained development. Consider the following:
- World class architecture and the best in contemporary, environmentally friendly design are the hallmarks of Hacienda's office buildings and land plan. A diverse selection of structures and floor plans offers something for every office need. Hacienda's attention to detail in planning means that the park's underlying development program produces projects that will support your workplace requirements.
- Hacienda is home to a large residential community who have found the park's housing to be an important asset in their daily lives. Many Hacienda residents also work in the park making Hacienda a convenient commute-less living choice that also allows for strong ties to the adjacent Pleasanton community and the Tri-Valley. In addition, with its dynamic transit orientation, Hacienda housing also provides the perfect springboard for both work and play in the greater Bay Area.
- With four major retail centers - Crossroads, Gateway Square, Metro 580, and Hacienda Plaza - along with a number of other individual locations, there are a wealth of retail and service opportunities throughout the park.
- A comfortable hotel with the on-site amenities a business traveler needs can make the difference in creating a productive trip, or a relaxing stay for guests. Fortunately for Hacienda, the park is home to four different hotels, totaling over 600 rooms, that can help anyone feel at home on the road.
- We know the critical role that business interaction plays in maintaining a healthy economy. Hacienda has a number of business networking opportunities that will allow you to connect with companies in the park, the Tri-Valley region and beyond.
- A world class development needs first class opportunities for recreation and socialization. Hacienda has plenty to offer in the form of places to engage yourself outside the office. Over twelve acres of parks are situated in the center of Hacienda. In addition, convenient pedestrian pathways and trails interconnect the areas within the development into a park-like setting. Recreational amenities, like a parcourse and public spaces, are integrated into the thoroughfares that cover the project.
- Hacienda knows our employees and residents need solutions for their commute. In response, Hacienda has created a nationally recognized comprehensive program to address commuting needs. Providing all of the elements needed to qualify for the national standard of excellence in commute alternatives, a "Best Workplaces for Commuters," this program provides a wide array of opportunities for employees so that, no matter what mode they use, they can get to work faster and cheaper. Through the program, every Hacienda employee and resident is able to ride local Wheels buses at no cost. Additional subsidies, incentives, and on-site amenities provide support for a further array of commuter choices.
- Hacienda's security program has a number of elements to help make the park as secure and safe as possible. Patrols provide comprehensive circulation throughout the park 24 hours a day. Park users are also offered everything from educational programs to free security and safety inspections.
- As an important part of any community, Hacienda has long recognized the importance of childcare in supporting the park's families. Hacienda built its own childcare facility after studying state-of-the-art designs and meeting with experts in the field of childcare the world over. Augmented by an outstanding HeadsUp! program implemented by the Early Learning Institute, the resulting environment and program are truly second to none. Additional public and private education options are also available within the park including pre-school, heritage school and grade school offerings.
- Hacienda wants to bring people at the park added value. Hacienda programs feature special offers that bring one-of-a-kind benefits to our affiliates. Whether you'd like to get a reduced admission for local and regional theme parks, terrific savings on sporting events, receive special discounts or coupons, or participate in fun-filled events taking place in Hacienda, we have something that fits the bill.